Subject: David’s Sin with Bathsheba

Original outline by Laura Levan

2 Samuel 11-12 & Psalm 32, 51

I. Introduction

II. The Story




You can imagine that every hour of every day David is thinking about what he has done.  Q: What affects might sin have on us or our relationship with God/others? (VERTICAL & HORIZONTAL)


12:1-14-David owns up/takes responsibility/acknowledges

III. Transition

  • One thing we need to clarify-difference between confessing one’s sin and becoming a Christian and ongoing confession in a Christian’s life.
  • Gospel, security of salvation
  • Christians still sin
  • Ongoing confession and repentance is something Christians still need to practice and are called to practice. Why? Because our sin affects our closeness with God. Because our sin hurts other people. Because we stray from God’s will and way.
  • We’ve all got sin, whether it is a porn problem, hatred toward others, tendency to lie, lustful thoughts, laziness, etc.


IV. Psalm 51:1-11, 16-17; Psalm 32:5 David wrote about this time.

If Repentance is agreeing with God and changing to come into agreement with His will

Q: What do you notice that shows David is repentant? What would an unrepentant person do/think/say?



-rationalizes, minimizes, blame-shifts

-unable to articulate what sin is and why
it is wrong

-regards consequences of sin as unfair

-angry with whom brings the message

-may use right words and express sorrow
but no lasting behavioral change

·        Here we see that confession and repentance are different, for one could confess but not be repentant


-takes responsibility for guilt and sin

-does not blame it on others

-asks God for mercy/forgiveness

-accepts consequences for sin

-an attitude of brokenness and

-does not try to bring sacrifices/do
good things to earn back God’s
favor or dismissal of the sin

-do not hide your sin

-repenting before God

Q: What is the basis for David’s joy returning, cleansing from sin?
Q: What would it look like to respond to your sin under a works based mentality?

Works Based

-punish self for sin

-make a bunch of sacrifices

-do penance/good deeds

-hide it so you look good

·        Some religious institutions preach this is how one needs to make amends for sin

·        Some religious institutions preach that you have to confess each sin in order to be forgiven

·        God’s acceptance is based on what we do to earn it.

Grace Based

-because of God’s unfailing love

-because of God’s compassion

-because God forgave /washed /purified

/cleansed him

·        This is the Biblical approach. Forgiveness and restored joy based on God’s grace, which is undeserved favor

Example: my story of experiencing both unrepentance and repentance

V. Now we are going to read what David wrote about the end results of these two positions.

  • Psalm 32:3-4
  • Psalm 32:1-2, Psalm 51:12-15

VI. The Bible calls us to confess our sins to one another. James 5:16

Q: Why do you think it is beneficial to confess our sins to one another?

Q: What holds us back from confessing to one another?

Q: How do you guys decide what to confess?

  • Situation specific, there are not specific guidelines you have to follow, guidance of the Holy Spirit, do not have to confess every sin to your brothers-that would be impossible, sometimes sharing with a specific person is not edifying

Q: How does understanding our forgiveness and identity in Christ affect our willingness to confess our sins?